How To Escape Wage Slavery

Word count:15934

[Music] you in this episode we're going to be really talking about two topics in one I wanted to shoot two separate episodes here one on the topic of how to escape wage slavery and a second one on a related topic that I called society as a pyramid scheme but these are two such related topics so interlinked that you need to hear them both together because they they work off of each other so the two takeaways that I want you to remember from this episode is that firstly your wage slave and secondly that society is a pyramid scheme but just what that means requires a bit of explanation because people are really in denial about this and it's a pretty it's one of those bitter pills that a lot of people don't like to understand so first what you gotta understand is that slavery is a really pernicious thing people think that all well slavery if I was a slave I would just escape no you wouldn't because when you're a slave you don't know you're a slave uh-huh you get that people overlook the obvious here if you're really a slave you don't know that you're a slave so it can take you many decades many years before you have the epiphany the insight that oh I'm a slave oh then you can escape but that point reaching that insight that takes a lot of work so that's what we'll be working towards here today what do I mean by wage slavery I mean a very pernicious thing that's widespread throughout our society I mean doing meaningless work just to pay the bills going to a grinding 95 job that you don't really value having an impact on the world you don't know what it is or why you're doing it but you're doing it because you have to do it because you got to feed yourself feed your family pay the bills keep the electricity run and that's how you basically go through life under this situation you're unable to contribute to society in any meaningful creative way because you're doing this grinding work for somebody else and you are cornered by needs to pay bills you have no capital which you can use to pursue your own passion or life purpose you have no chance at reeducation no chance for doing personal development or spiritual development and so you get stuck you get stuck being someone else's puppet doing unconscious work for them spending your entire life the majority of your life doing unconscious work and spreading evil why spreading evil because when you're working for somebody else doing grinding work it's not just that you're doing boring grinding work for them you're actually helping them to climb this pyramid scheme which is society I'll get to that a little bit later and explain what that is but you're helping them to climb that you're not helping them to really raise consciousness or to improve mankind most work that's done is really done out of selfishness and it's done to manipulate others to extract money from them for selfish purposes that's what you're doing for your boss not all the time but in a lot of cases you certainly aren't tapping into your greatest capacity as a human being your creative genius you're not using your creative genius almost at all and that's what's so sad about this situation of wage slavery is that when I look at people in society and how they work what I see is I see that ninety percent of people are not tapping into nearly what they could be what they could really contribute to the world visionary scientists and they could be visionary inventors and they can be people who could who could help the world to lift everybody up and they're not doing this simply because they're stuck in wage slavery and once you do get stuck it gets very hard to escape this situation our work in society is deeply dysfunctional and noticed that work takes up a large chunk of your time in fact for most people it'll take up over 50% of all their waking time in their life will be devoted to work but the kind of work you'll be doing is not going to be the kind of work that you're passionate about or that you find meaningful at all or that contributes in a positive way to mankind and of course in doing this slave work you are not gonna be given time for meditation you're not gonna be given time to take retreats you are not gonna be given time for psychedelics you're not gonna be given time for inner work you're not gonna be given time for personal development you're not gonna be given time for taking care of your kids you're not gonna be given time for improving your health you're not gonna be given time for travel and exploration you're not gonna be given time for self education because your boss doesn't care about any of this you're gonna be working mostly to exploit harm kill and dis inform other human beings and then you wonder why is there all this evil in the world well look at who's causing it it's because most people in society are wage slaves who are just executing the orders of the people at the top who are mostly doing it to exploit others so that they can become wealthy and the easiest way to become wealthy in our pyramid scheme society is to exploit harm kill and dissing form that's what a lot of work is about of course except it's very carefully veiled and denied and all this is hidden under the surface such that you're doing this work without even knowing that you're doing this work it's unconscious you're creating this evil unconsciously that's what egos do egos run amok creating evil unconsciously thinking that actually what they're doing is good but they're just ignorant of what they're really doing most evil in society is done through unconscious work I'm talking about the programmer working for Lockheed Martin creating code for drones I'm talking about the secretary working for coca-cola selling poison to children I'm talking about the HR person working in some big pharmaceutical insurance company health care company that actively works in schemes to throw people off of health insurance deny them benefits when they need it most killing people and destroying their health I'm talking about the doctor working for some giant hospital that overcharges patients for everything because that's her business model I'm talking about the call center rep who works for AT&T or Verizon who are scheming to destroy net neutrality I'm talking about the cashier who works at McDonald's selling poison to people I'm talking about the delivery truck driver for tobacco companies that deliver cigarettes to grocery stores I'm talking about the web designer who works for a big oil company like Exxon Mobil creating their web pages of disinformation and contributing to propaganda campaigns for example against global warming and so on all of these are ordinary people they have no idea what they're really doing they're not connecting all the dots and they feel completely disempowered and if you're one of these types of people you might say well Leo yeah maybe I mean but aren't you being really harsh here I mean what can I do about this I gotta work somewhere I mean [ __ ] Leo it's hard enough to get a job in this economy I'm just kind of struggling to make ends meet and now you're you're blaming me you're now making me feel guilty for just being some cashier at Walmart or McDonald's having how's that my responsibility isn't that the job of the CEOs to to make sure the company is going in the right direction but see that's exactly my point see you're doing unconscious work and you're giving up your all your responsibilities because you're a slave and you have no other options because you're a slave so if you're working for McDonald's now you think you can quit and then you're gonna go work for AT&T well you're just substituting one slave job for another slave job one form of evil for another form of evil how is society a pyramid scheme no no for this I want to give you a warning that this might make you old oppressed it's going to be a harsh truth we're gonna reveal something here about society that most people don't understand it are in denial about but don't worry I'm gonna offer you some solutions here's towards the end so I'm not just giving you negative stories to make you feel bad this is actually it's important it's important that you understand the depth of your predicament and just how challenging of a problem this is for yourself and also for all of mankind then you will be in a position where you could really take back control take responsibility and make some changes but before you get there you got to understand what's really going on so what's really going on with society is that the way that civilization came to power and rose is that basically tribes enslaved other tribes tribes became bigger and bigger and bigger and turned into city stays nation states entire countries they formed alliances and became allies and all of this and basically there was mutual enslavement and that's fundamentally what government is you are a slave to your nation this has just happened historically from the very very beginning at least from the time where we had agriculture where wealth could be accumulated through stored grain and livestock and things like this accumulated wealth and then we got currencies and so forth but basically human beings have been slaughtering and conquering and enslaving one another since the very beginning of mankind it's been happening in all societies there's not a single continent on the planet that's immune to this it's always happened and it's only recently it's only in the last couple hundred years that in industrialized nations actual physical slavery has been outlawed but of course just because physical slavery has been outlawed doesn't mean that you're not enslaved in other ways in fact in many places in the world right now people shouldn't understand that there's there's actual physical slavery there's sexual slavery there's all forms of slavery still going on right now in many third-world countries even in first world countries there's for example sexual slavery so people take this for granted because they just kind of grew up thinking oh well slavery some archaic barbaric thing that happened in the past and that will compute completely you know that we've completely eliminated and eradicated no we haven't no we haven't you got to put this all as a historical context society is a battle for power and you lost that power your great great great great grandparents have all been enslaved they lost that power it doesn't matter if you were white or black the the people with less power were conquered by those with more power that doesn't mean they had to put you in physical handcuffs and chains or had to make you pick cotton to enslave you see society is all about power games and dynamics who has the power who keeps the power it's all about skewing the playing field in such a way that those would power accumulate more power and those who have no power have even less power because power equals wealth and why is all this happening fundamentally because the ego wants to survive and the ego wants to maximize its survival at all times people think that well but but once you're rich you don't need anymore you don't understand the ego is insatiable there's never a point where ego gets to word says okay now I've got enough money I've got enough power I don't need any more let me try to share more with others no never the ego never gets there because the ego is always paranoid it's always feeling threatened when you have a billion dollar company all that happens is that now you're just paranoid about your view losing your company so you're fighting for the survival of your billion-dollar company even though you have billions of dollars just as much as you were fighting to pay your electricity bill nothing ever changes for the ego the ego is always chasing for its own survival always unless it's completely dissolved government has literally domesticated you turned you into a domesticated animal to do its bidding now this wasn't done by some scheming masterminds as a form of a conspiracy theory but rather most of this just happens unconsciously this is just the structure of society it happens spontaneously society is deliberately designed to be unequal grossly unequal it's not something that just happens by accident it's by design egos at the top try to maximize their survival those egos once they get power they try to reinforce that by maintaining the status quo of this pyramid defending the status quo not only are the people at the top doing this but actually the slaves at the bottom are brainwashed and programmed to do it as well that's what makes it so devious really your enslavement starts by the enslavement of your mind it's the ideas that your culture feeds you as you're growing up which you are completely ignorant of would you just take completely for granted as normal as just the status quo is just how things are and how things have always been as tradition and then you just end up being a who defends that tradition that status quo oftentimes you're gonna defend that even if it's against your own survival agenda simply because your mind is is so close and so inflexible that it's unable to actually rewire itself to to look at the world in new ways this is how indoctrination works this is a large feature of what education does our education system is a is the critical component of this which is why it's so difficult to reform the education system because actually it's there to enslave your mind it's a vehicle for propagating culture and culture is just a set of ideas and concepts that shape your view of your reality which is supposed to make the entire culture survive not you individually but actually the entire culture you see the culture collectively is like a super organism and in the same way that you don't care if if a few cells on your on your pinky get killed as long as you survive well the culture doesn't really care what happens to you so long as the whole culture survives society is a house of cards held together by lies and massive self-deception collective self deception society is there to create a sense of solid reality it's like a mass hallucination and it perpetuates this with all sorts of ways very subtle sneaky tricky ways that will take you years to study and to fully appreciate wage slaves are used to serve the elite the people at the top of the pyramid and to serve all their survival needs what people don't understand is that wealth as a relative thing you might think well wealth is just me sitting on a pile of gold or something that's not really what wealth is about for one person to be wealthy in a society other people have to actually be poor because wealth is relative wealth is not about just having a bunch of paper bills or numbers in your bank account or bars of gold wealth is also about power relative power disparity because if everybody in society was completely equal in their power there would be no disparity in power or in wealth let's say in this utopian scenario and then what would happen is that one person couldn't force the other person to do something for me to be able to force you to do something for me like to clean my toilets let's say I don't want to clean or for you to feed me grapes while I'm lying on a couch and for for you to wave a palm frond over over my head to keep me cool in the summer for that to happen I must have more power than you because otherwise you would never do it if we were equal cuz how would how would I make you if I told you to feed me grapes you could say well why don't you feed me grapes first and then we'd be at a stalemate neither one of us would feed the other grapes unless we just kind of both wanted to do that see so for for a billionaire the whole appeal of being a billionaire or a millionaire is precisely the power to spare you that you have it's all the stuff you can do or that you can get other people to do for you without having without needing them or being able to force them to reciprocate that's what wealth is fundamentally about see it's relative the system is constructed such that wealth only has meaning within the system in that you can get others within the system to do stuff for you and then the question is are you at the top of that pyramid or at the bottom of it or somewhere in the middle now of course don't misunderstand me I'm not saying that wealth is purely a zero-sum game and that for someone to be a winner people have to be losers it's not strictly like that but also a lot of capitalists will will be in denial about this and they will think that oh well Leo if you just work hard you can just create a bunch of wealth for yourself no that's a fantasy it actually doesn't work that way there's some partial truth to that and we'll get to that in a minute don't worry but also you have to recognize that fundamentally the game is rigged it's a myth that you can just work hard in this fair playing field this free market competitive marketplace and if you just do the right things and you're a good hard worker then you'll rise to the top and everybody can theoretically rise to the top no the whole point is that actually theoretically you can't have everybody rise to the top that's what a pyramid scheme is is that it only really works as a pyramid you can't invert the pyramid you can't have all the wage slaves become elites it's important to understand this structure this is a structural problem this is the structure we're dealing with you have to start to understand that the the playing field is extremely skewed and unfair and it's corrupt by design and most wealth is not accumulated through hard work or through creative ingenuity by lone entrepreneurs or inventors most wealth is accumulated through exploitation manipulation and highly unfair power dynamics strong-arming the the wage slaves and getting yourself to the top of the pyramid that's how most wealth is accumulated a lot of wealth is stolen that's something nobody tells you a lot of wealth is stolen of course the most masterful ways to steal wealth is through legal means by making it socially normal by actually enacting laws which make your stealing not technically stealing but fundamentally what you're doing is still exploitation and manipulation and strong-arming of people disempowering people you're just doing it in legal ways and of course you're also rigging the laws in your favor most wealth is made by being close to sources of existing wealth there are like Wellsprings of wealth that traditionally exists within the pyramid and the closer you get to those wealth springs and also the the higher you get to the top of the pyramid the closer you are to positions of power and there that allows you to strong-arm and exploit more effectively and very easily acquire wealth which is why most wealth in our society is centered in certain industries very specific industries such as banking investing government and politics military and defense contracting health care law celebrities tech giants Silicon Valley Hollywood television radio what are all of these things these are all little pyramid schemes within the larger pyramid scheme and the closer you get to to these Wellsprings of wealth the more your likelihood of becoming wealthy yourself you're never really gonna become wealthy by being a schoolteacher you're never really gonna become wealthy by working at Walmart now what you can do is you can climb the corporate ladder of Walmart like let's say you start off it's just like a local manager that you climb higher and higher and higher but as you're climbing what are you doing fundamentally why is climbing the corporate ladder going to make you wealthier and more powerful because what you're doing is you're you're rising up to the top of that pyramid structure and the higher you rise the more disparity in distance there is between between you and there's fewer people up there than all the people at the bottom which gives you power over all those people at the bottom now you don't need to consciously tell yourself a lot of times when you're doing this that you're gonna be exploiting someone or manipulating someone it's just baked into the system such that all you gotta do is want to climb the system in my climbing system automatically the exploitation will happen all the systems in a company are already set up that way that gives you plausible deniability otherwise you couldn't sleep at night and so see ultimately if you really want to become wealthy maybe you get you become friends with some regional manager at Walmart he maybe connects you with some other people through some sort of social network maybe you get to even talk to the CEO of Walmart or something like that and then they give you some advice maybe they think a liking to you then they give you a promotion you know special stuff special purchase all about specialness why is that precisely because you need to rise above the common herd in order to have that power disparity over the common herd that's fundamentally what you're doing but people don't see this all they kind of see are just numbers on a paycheck or they just think oh I got a promotion oh look honey I I had a meeting with the corporate district manager blah blah blah and he liked me and maybe he's gonna introduce me to his golfing buddies and we're gonna do this and that and all they shared some cool insights with how it can improve my career and they put a good word with the CEO and they're gonna give me a promotion again and thought it added a bonus this this right see but you're not seeing what's really happening when you're doing this when you're climbing the corporate ladder or for example when you're trying to become famous in Hollywood or on TV or on on radio the reason that these jobs pay a lot or for example in trying to become a famous athlete the reason that can get you wealthy or famous musicians present because it's such a rare thing is such a rare position there's only a handful of people who could be on TV or on radio or sports athletes you know a very small ratio compared to the vast majority of people who consume that stuff and that's precisely what gives you that that leverage of power over them which is why people on TV make millions of dollars just by being on TV another thing that people don't understand about how this pyramid scheme stuff works is syndicates syndicates syndicates are small networks that are designed for accumulation of power and cooperative exploitation of everybody else who's not in the syndicate there are syndicates within every single field in the economy they're syndicates within healthcare within oil within medicine within self-help the self-help field within spirituality everywhere what a syndicate is is a few of the top people in the field come together they create a sort of a mastermind group where they share knowledge information and inside tips and trade secrets with each other and they also scheme how to rise above everybody else in the field and a lot of times what they do is they come up with with ways to rig the game in such a way that only the syndicate is going to be able to survive such that anybody who enters into that field who's new and fresh not part of the syndicate they are of course then disadvantaged by the skewed highly skewed playing field which these cities have skewed against them so that's why it's very hard to break into industries many times especially the very lucrative ones you have to break into the syndicates or start your own syndicate but it's very hard to start your own syndicate because who's gonna want you in their syndicate when they already have an effective syndicate already and once you've got a little syndicate going you don't want to expand the syndicate democratically this is not a democratic process you don't want everybody in your field to be part of your syndicate the whole point of a syndicate is precisely so that you create a power disparity a knowledge disparity what you have to understand is that wealth is not just money in a bank account it also oftentimes includes knowledge insider secrets of how stuff works various business models and business formulas that you would otherwise never hear about unless you were part of some sort of syndicate or some sort of elite group of people write these this knowledge this information these trade secrets trades this tricks of the trade so to speak often times are worth more than actual money because they are the source of the money and all the power and so oftentimes these are closely guarded secrets what you often have to also understand is that most wealth is carefully controlled and passed down within this giant pyramid talking about the whole pyramid now of society to relatives friends and folks within the syndicates which is precisely why we have these really ridiculous estate taxes where you can just pass on millions of dollars to your children into your family and to all this sort of stuff tax-exempt precisely because the whole scheme of this game is to earn a bunch of wealth for yourself make your ego survived and then of course everything that surrounds your ego that you identify including your friends and your family and so forth you want to help them survive - that's what the ego is all about and these syndicates also create like little collective egos within within egos this of course gets codified within legislation that's passed lobbying to create legislation that creates the most unfair playing field possible so that those in power those passing the laws are able to ensure their survival as much as they can get away with very little wealth is generated independently through independent creativity the fastest and easiest ways to get wealthy in society is to manipulate this entire structure that I'm talking about creating various syndicates exploiting government legislations exploiting government subsidies getting government contracts this is how you really become wealthy and what's really important are social connections status and your fame these are hugely important components to being wealthy that's why social status takes on so much meaning for people that's why dressing a certain way having a certain kind of business card knowing the right people going to the parties and hobnobbing in this and forming connections this is how you climb this corporate or not just corporate but this this pyramid now of course most people in our society are completely in denial about this pyramid they're oblivious to it they have no idea that it exists but even when they're told about it they are still totally in denial about it for for two reasons the people at the bottom are in denial about it and also the people at the top are denial about it so why are the people at the top in denial about it well because think about it the ego never wants to admit that it won unfairly because the ego from the egos perspective anything it does to survive is by definition good that's what good is good isn't something out there in the world good is what's good for your ego so the EO never wants to admit that the ego doesn't want to admit that goodness is relative to to itself it never wants to admit that it plays the game unfairly the ego always comes up with justifications rationalizations for why when it wins it wins because it deserves it because it's fair because ego is stronger because it did something right because it worked more hours because whatever and then it really believes that so those people who are at the top of the pyramid they fully believe that they deserve to be on the top of the pyramid they believe they got there through their own initiative they believe that there is no such thing as a pyramid they believe it's just a play a fair free marketplace and that the reason they got to the top is just because they worked their asses off and because they were smart and intelligent they had a high IQ and all of this but of course what they're not honest about is that they're they're not admitting that there are millions of other people in society who work just as hard as them or even harder and are nowhere near the top and never will be and that's because the thing is rigged also what these people are completely in denial about is their own privilege and the the good fortune they had by good fortune I mean good genetics good parenting growing up in a good place part of the country going to good schools going to good universities all of this stuff sure of course you work too hard I'm not denying that some CEO of Walmart or Lockheed Martin something isn't a hard worker most of them are most of them work many hours into the night that's not the issue there are many people in the world who work long hours into the night the question is which ones of them have power and mostly it's the ones that were lucky most the people who have power have wealth in society have it because they had huge advantages over everybody else they didn't start where everybody else started and that's what these successful people don't understand they don't appreciate their own privilege they don't appreciate just how lucky they were to be born in the right country to be born in the right city to be more than the right parents to be born to a family that had money to be born without a disease to be born without an abusive father or mother who molested you to to have gone to good schools to get into good colleges and to have various kinds of social connections because of the family that you grew up in and so forth and to have all sorts of inside knowledge that most people don't have and that's precisely what allowed you to become so successful to climb the ladder now again of course I'm not saying that this is absolutely always the case there certainly are self-made people out there who generate their own wealth from scratch there are people who climb from the very very bottom all the way to the top there certainly are those few exceptions but people who are in denial about this whole pyramid scheme what they do is they point a few of those exceptions they say Allah leo but look look I can point out a few counter examples - you have people who are rags to riches stories came from the very bottom to the very top so what you're saying leo is false no you're just using those as actually a smokescreen to deny the larger structure of what we're talking about so even though yes it is possible to rise to the top and in a few moments I will give you solutions for how to do that before we can get to those solutions though I want you to appreciate the depth of the structural problem that we're talking about you see ego doesn't really care about fairness whatever ego says let's be fair it only says that to the stat that it helps its survival in the same way that when ego says truth ego never cares about truth it's always lying and it's only saying truth when the truth is helpful to its survival all the ego cares about is survival not fairness and not truth which is why this system is perpetuated ego will always deny that it exploits manipulates and deceives whether it's itself or other people and another reason why people are in denial about this whole pyramid scheme is is because it's just a status quo it's so baked into the structure of society and most minds are so complacent that they just accept whatever environment they grew up in so they just take this whole scheme as just how it is they can't even imagine how it might be otherwise they can't even imagine what it would look like to be at the very bottom of the pyramid those people that are the top half of the pyramid if they knew how terrible it was at the very bottom of the pyramid they would have an existential crisis they would feel guilty and responsible for just how selfish they've been and how complacent they've been about all their privilege so few people know what it's like to be at the very very bottom of this pyramid and if you're living in a first world democracy the bottom of the pyramid might not even be that terrible if you're living in Sweden Noren in Netherlands or in Germany or in in Canada or even in the u.s. the bottom is not that terrible if you could only know and imagine what the bottom is like in third-world countries in South America in Asia in Africa the bottom can be just horrifying and of course a lot of these first world nations the only reason their first world nations is because actually they're they're exploiting and they're standing on the shoulders of all the third-world Nations and America has become a master at that one of the reasons America is so wealthy and has so much luxury and power is become its because it's become a master at exploiting third-world countries while at the same time completely denying it and whitewashing it because of course we need to maintain our image of America being this beacon on a hill and this Democratic thing the best country in the world and all of this of course this is a complete sham this is exactly what the EO does is that whitewashes it's on egotism and it's precisely why people get touchy when you start to question america's exceptionalism and america's goodness it's precisely because the truth that lies underneath all this whitewashing is very ugly and it's a very bitter pill to swallow might make you depressed for a few weeks for a few months might make you have a little existential crisis if you've been creating identity out of being this noble country or this noble businessperson you know society is just like a large dysfunctional abusive family it's in denial in just the same way in an abusive family if the father is molesting the daughter here's what's gonna happen the daughter will be in denial about it because it's way too bitter to admit that your father is molesting you the father will of course be in denial about it because it's way too painful for a father to admit that he molest his daughter and the mother will also be in denial about it because it's way too painful for her to take responsibility and to admit that she's enabling this whole situation just standing by and letting it happen and so this whole thing just sort of continues it's a large dysfunctional abusive family and that's what society is and everybody around us isn't niall about it of course of course when the truth is so terrible and harsh how could you not be in denial in fact all sorts of ideology are created to justify why it's good various forms of conservativism libertarianism and cetera blah blah blah blah they're all designed to maintain the pyramid and of course the people who are promoting its ideologies they themselves don't really understand the full pyramid the reason they don't understand is actually because they've never been at the very bottom of the pyramid they usually the people who become libertarians and and and these free-market capitalist and so forth they're people who already at the middle to the top range of the pyramid and they're completely in denial about the bottom half so they think that oh well if everybody just kind of boot lifted up themselves up by the bootstraps and work a little bit harder they would just be where I am oh you don't understand everybody can't do that in fact your whole system hinges upon the fact that it won't happen because if it did you would lose all your wealth and power and privilege and all the sudden you would not be so happy anymore now let me issue a warning here don't mistake what I'm doing here as some sort of anti-capitalist rant I actually am a capitalist I earned money I'm a business person I'm an entrepreneur I start my own businesses I enjoy doing business I love it I don't want to see it stop well get to the solutions and how to run a business in the moment my solution for you is actually to become a business person but a few more warnings here so what I'm talking about here is not a conspiracy theory there's not some global reptilian race that's that that's making this happen no this is just a structure of human civilization if you think of human civilization as an ant colony this is just how an ant colony works every ant colony has worker ants warrior ants and so forth and there's a certain structure it's not like the evil queen has created the ant colony to suit herself no it's just the structure of the thing there's a deep wisdom and logic to it there's reasons that this pyramid exists it actually is important for survival this is our legacy our history this is how we came out of the the ape Ages this is how we civilize ourselves through this very barbaric process survival is no easy business and a lot of times it requires doing some nasty stuff and making nasty sacrifices brutal sacrifices a lot of pain and suffering and torture goes into survival people take survival completely for granted in our society because in our society survival has been abstracted and all all that survival means for many people is just I got to go to my work between the hours of 9:00 to 5:00 I show up then every two weeks I get a paycheck and that's survival but see that that process abstracts away and obfuscates what survival really entails what your boss had to do to make you get that paycheck to be able to pay you at the end of the month you don't know the kind of evil should he have to do who he had to exploit and manipulate to do that how many throats he had to slit metaphorically speaking or sometimes literally speaking you know there's companies that are that are earning billions of dollars from manufacturing weapons bombs arms that go to kill thousands of people around the world every year and you could be working for one of those companies and not even know it you could be a subsidiary wing of one of these companies you might say olio my company doesn't do that oh yeah but you might be providing services your company might be the only reason your company could be paying your check paycheck is because you're providing subsidiary services to that company maybe you're designing their webpages maybe you're doing their accounting maybe you're providing them with electricity or whatever you see the entire system is deeply interconnected it's deeply holistic these libertarian types they don't see the holism of how all of it works together so this is not a conspiracy theory nor am i demonizing capitalism here there are certainly many problems within capitalism and they can require political solutions and we need those we need improvements and so forth I don't have all the answers by any means I'm John pointing just I'm pointing out a deeper structure of how human societies work this goes way beyond just issues of capitalism versus communism or socialism or anything like that even in communist two countries this is still the case they're still a pyramid in communism it's one of the problems of communism is that you can't actually truly apply communism ever because human nature is such that it creates a pyramid and the whole idea behind communism is that you're trying to eliminate the pyramid and it just doesn't work or at least it hasn't worked up to this point so my solution here is not to advocate some political revolution or to turn you into political ideologue I'm not trying to turn you into a Marxist or a communist I'm not trying to make you blame anybody here or to play the victim that's very important to understand a lot of people when they start to learn some of these harsh truths about the nature of this system they become political ideologues and they say ok well the solution must be Marxism or whatever let me go read Marx let me then go protest and do Occupy Wall Street and all this sort of stuff and while some of those protests are good a lot of them are also very naive and actually are just a distraction from escaping wage slavery I'm gonna give you the solution here in a minute and it's not going to involve political action now that doesn't mean political action is bad it's important but you have to understand that those people who are politically active in these sorts of protests and stuff they usually never end up escaping wage slavery they could be doing good stuff they could also be doing bad stuff it depends on how you're doing your protesting and what kind of ideas you have the details matter of your ideas a lot of these people who have ideas about how to change politics or economics they're extremely naive extremely unsystematic thinkers and they're just very clueless about the changes they want to make it's really difficult to make these changes effectively right so that's that's a whole different game and we're not getting into that here I want to make sure that you don't take this as me trying to get you to demonize other people and blame them there's nobody to blame here and you're not a victim I just want you to see the depth of the predicament that you're up against because only then will you be able to take serious steps to change the problem and you need to understand that it's not some one guy's fault or even some class of people's fault it's not just the fault of the Republicans or the Conservatives or the libertarians or somebody else or the rich people it's not that simplistic there's a lot more going on here so you can never just blame somebody this is a deep structure of all human societies and it doesn't matter how you feel about this pyramid you might say Ollie okay fine I'm not gonna play this pyramid game then I'm just gonna go like join a monastery or some yoga ashram and I'm gonna work towards enlightenment and [ __ ] this whole thing I don't want to be part of this nasty pyramid well if you go to one of these n monasteries or these yoga ashrams what you'll discover is that there is a pyramid so you think you've escaped but you haven't escaped and even if you do join an ashram or a monastery it's still part of the entire web Society you can't escape this this is all-encompassing unless you're gonna go live alone in a cave by yourself and hunt and forage for your own food you're gonna be part of this system you might think only okay so maybe I can just like win the lottery get a bunch of money retire in the Bahamas and just live there in luxury and then I have escaped the pyramid No then you are completely reliant the pyramid because when you're living in the Bahamas with all your lottery money how is it that you have a house how is it that you have electricity how is it a of water how is it that you get food how is it airplane travel and car and gasoline and all of this it's because you're leeching off this social grid off the pyramid so by winning a bunch of money you're actually what you're doing is you're you're living off the very top of the pyramid the only way that you can retire or even go on a couple of weeks vacation the only way you can do that is because you're relying on the entire human safety net the the pyramid to support you while you're doing that see because if you were living alone in the woods you couldn't have a single week of vacation ever because you'd every day you need to get up and hunt for your own food gather your water and build your fire and shelter and fix stuff up every single day you need to do that that's survival but again people are so disconnected from survival in everyday society they take it completely for granted because society has become so effective and efficient as just delivering these things to you so it doesn't matter how you feel about the pyramid it doesn't want it it doesn't matter if you don't want to play the game you're still gonna play the game even if you refuse to play the game you're gonna be forced to that's survival you're forced to survive nature forces you unless you're okay with dying and it doesn't matter who you blame about this pyramid and it doesn't matter whether you think it's fair or unfair moral or immoral it doesn't matter the pyramid is here this is how it works this is how it's worked for thousands of years and it's not stopping anytime soon so you might as well learn to accept it and to start to take responsibility for for it if you're young if you're in middle school high school and college watching actualised org man you doubled upon something here that is life transforming for you this is huge I hope you realize now that you're being groomed to be a wage slave that's what school and college is about and unless you do something special you take some special measures you will become a wage slave because that's the default position that's who you become if you do nothing if you're one of those average C students who's just kind of like milling through life and just kind of [ __ ] around playing a bunch of video games and watching TV taking your schooling for granted just kind of doing the bare minimum smoking weed with your friends just hanging out partying drinking a bunch of beer and beer pong and this sort of stuff in college and this is what you're kind of doing you're gonna end up a wage slave that's what you're gonna be it's much easier to avoid becoming a wage slave if you start early if you're in middle school high school or college right now once you're out of college once you're past the age of 22 now you've got to be independent on your own pay your own bills or now it's really hard to change this situation really hard because you didn't prepare and now you're probably gonna be a wage slave for the rest of your life even most well-off paid professionals are wage slaves I'm talking about the lawyers the doctors the programmers the scientists what are they they're mostly wage slaves they don't have true independence they have to jump through hoops the hoops of their clients the hoops of their bosses their institutions whoever they work for they have to show up at a certain time punch the clock basically that's what they got to do people in society who have true financial freedom autonomy and independence this is extremely rare I want you to realize how rare it is because I want you to start to appreciate what this is this is something that you can develop in your life but you have to appreciate just how rare this is and how valuable this is and what this could really mean it's only once you start to appreciate it and then you could say okay I see this is like we're not talking about like going to the store and buying a bag of popcorn for five bucks that would be a cheap cheap to get item we're talking about like buying a million dollar house that's a big ticket item you know you want to buy a million dollar house you've got a plan for it strategize work towards it you know you're not gonna just buy it on a whim the way you got but I a five dollar piece of popcorn popcorn bag all right people just take all this completely for granted how does one become a wage slave you might think well it's because the evil structure of society no actually there's something very simple at the heart of it something that actually you can control cuz you don't have much control over the structure of all of society but you do have control over this stuff listen to this actually consider that you become a wage slave because you have no clue what you want in life you have no clue what you want you have no sense of purpose you have no clear intentions no clear vision you have no independent thought you have no desire for anything really other than just to coast through life and you've wasted your youth you've wasted your youth playing video games and [ __ ] around when you should have been spending those 15 years of your schooling that time between first grade and and the end of college you should have been spending all of that time strategically planning developing skills the skills you need to avoid wage slavery you needed to be spending that time honing your sense of purpose building a vision thinking independently for yourself setting your foundation such that then when you get beyond college now you're ready to work towards your financial independence and you have some sort of foundation to work with but the vast majority of people have completely wasted this opportunity simply because you were you were oblivious your parents didn't tell you about this your school teachers your professors none of them told you about this mostly because all of them have themselves fallen prey to this trap and this is this is uncommon knowledge here so that's the bad news the good news is that you can escape and there are two basic strategies for escaping wage slavery the first one is to become ultra creative and hardworking with a powerful vision a clear life purpose and to come become a massive value provider an exceptional value provider to the world you provide so much value to the world that your finances aren't even an issue anymore you can develop yourself to be this way examples of this include the popular singers and musicians filmmakers programmers public speakers artists founders of various companies inventors designers scientists that's one way second way is to manipulate the system to get close to the sources of wealth and power within the pyramid and exploit this pyramid to rise to the top obviously I recommend option number one and the reason I recommend option number one is because there are some serious problems with option number two option number two fundamentally is egotistical because it depends on manipulation and exploitation it's unconscious it's also rather lazy you're not thinking about what you can offer the world rather you're thinking about what you can get from the world oftentimes it leads to criminality of various kinds gross forms of it and also subtle forms of it like various kinds of white-collar crime at least to downright evil and selfishness and it harms a lot of people and also it's just fundamentally unsatisfying even if you eight are able to exploit this pyramid and rise to the very top and become wealthy so what you're just gonna be as miserable as the people at the bottom I mean yeah you you won't be fast physically miserable because you'll have the luxuries of life you'll have a car to house and water and electricity and and all this but uh but deep down there's gonna be a hole that never was filled with option number one by becoming a powerful creative genius you kill two birds with one stone not only can you handle your finances but you get the thrill and satisfaction of of offering something valuable to the world and helping to uplift mankind and doing it in a way that you find meaningful and fun and exciting and that you could be passionate about so I'm only gonna be talking about option number one here from this point on I don't care about option number two because I don't see it as a as a sustainable and a conscious choice so if you're gonna be taking option number one then here's how you escape wage slavery first of all you stop whining and blaming and you take full responsibility for everything that's happening in your life everything you do not have the luxury of whining and complaining and making excuses and playing victim everything in your life needs to be your responsibility because you need to be able to take control of it and change it by developing yourself developing the skills or whatever you need you have to change yourself to turn yourself into this powerful creative genius then what you got to do is you've got to figure out what you want from life and you got to be really [ __ ] crystal clear about this you should spend an enormous amount of time thinking about what you want from life you need a very clear vision a powerful compelling vision that's gonna motivate you this is not a short-term vision this is a vision that that will guide you over the next 10 to 20 years of your life it's a it's a big-picture strategic plan for how you're gonna escape this wage slavery this is basically a vision for your career this is a life purpose this is what I call life purpose you also need to decide if you want to be a sheep or a leader to be able to follow through on this strategy you're gonna have to turn yourself into a leader not a sheep a leader means you're gonna have to lead yourself and lead others around you it means you'd have to take extra responsibilities beyond what everybody else is doing you have to work a little bit harder you're gonna have to have a a better vision than everybody else you have to develop trust in yourself you have to stop looking to other people around you to validate you and to support you and to give you answers but actually forge forward and seek the answers yourself you have to get comfortable being alone as a leader there are many other facets to being a good leader I have actually a whole episode called I believe how to be a leader or leadership do a search actualize for actualize that org leadership on YouTube and you'll find my leadership video where I talk about the nuances of being a good leader that will be very important you got to also become a massive value provider what does this mean this means you have to train yourself in some way where you will provide an inordinate disproportionate amount of value compared to everybody else you see be really you only have two options in this pyramid scheme either you're gonna exploit the pyramid scheme or somehow you need to use your creativity your god-given creativity you got it you got to take that and utilize it and leverage it in such a way that you're able to give the world so much value that eventually their help but pay you for the amount of value that you're offering and then you're gonna be able to buy your freedom from that but to do that the only way you can offer a lot of value to the world because remember value is also relative within this pyramid so you gotta provide way more value than the average person in the pyramid is providing that's not that difficult to do because most people in pyramid provides so little value but it does require that like you actually develop yourself to provide value because the average person doesn't have any skills any education or any training or anything that allows them to really provide inordinate value all they can really do is like the value they can provide is to wait tables wash dishes answer emails type up some secretary report you know this kind of very minimal value real value is creative value when you're able to come up with new solutions and inventions that solve serious problems in the world that's what a real provider of value does high-level thinking it's abstraction its big-picture its strategic its system's thinking right you're you're solving serious problems for mankind in some fashion now don't take that in a very narrow sense solving problems for mankind might mean that you're a really talented musician and you might say well but how does a musician solve serious problems for mankind he does of course he does he entertains he takes away people's misery he creates beauty if he's a really good musician so to become a massive value provider really what what's required is you need to have a very clear vision of how you want to provide value to the world in what way then you got to focus yourself and you got to develop mastery in the field and it usually takes a good 3 to 5 years of training and practice to get good at one narrow special feel to the point where you're actually able to provide enough value that people are actually willing to pay you for it and the only reason they're willing to pay you for it is because now you're providing so much value that they actually feel bad that they're not paying you because you're really offering them a lot of value you're helping them with with some particular problem they have in their life you're helping them in some really tangible concrete way so for this you need training you need skills you need need education but not just loosey-goosey skills or education you got to focus it in a very specific way channel it this is why school high school education college education in of itself does not make you a massive value provider because it's way too loosey-goosey and diffuse there's there's there's nothing tangible that you're able to offer if you just finish a regular college degree for most people I mean for certain feels like if you're gonna be an engineer or computer programmer those very technical fields usually you can offer a lot of tangible value out of college and therefore you get paid a lot for those fields those are some good paying fields but for most feels like you've got an English degree or something or a philosophy degree or a psychology degree you can't provide value you know the person who has a four-year university psychology degree this person for example can't actually help me to fix my psychological problems like if I come to you and I say look I got a terrible problem in my relationship we're gonna get divorced can you help me works like man I got a depression can you help me figure out my depression can you help me be happy of course not because the [ __ ] they taught you at university in psychology is just [ __ ] non-academic nonsense it was never tangible and never actually turned you into a massive value provider so what kind of training you'll need and what kind of process you have to go to master the thing you need to master that's gonna be highly dependent upon what your field of mastery is gonna be which is gonna be highly dependent upon what your life purpose is and what the [ __ ] you actually want to do so I can't tell you what that is that's that's something you got to figure out and that's another thing that's very important here is that for you to succeed in escaping wage slavery you're gonna have to go beyond all cookie cutter solutions all types of business and a box solutions do not come to me asking me how to start your business you as the leader you as the one who's got a vision a clear vision a clear sense of intent of what you want out of your life you should be telling me the things you're gonna do the things you need to master the skills you need to provide the massive value that you're gonna offer don't ask me you tell me and you might say oh Lea but I don't know well the reason you don't know is because you actually don't have a clarity of purpose once you have a clarity of purpose that will give you the fuel you need to go out there and to research everything you need to research to learn everything you need to learn that passion will drive you that sense of intent will drive you and of course you're still not going to know a lot of stuff but you will start to figure it out so don't get too lost on the details here I'm giving you a big-picture overview this is a strategic plan you will then need to fill in the the details of that plan specific to you and you can't just copy somebody else you have to truly be creative fundamentally what human beings get paid for is creativity can you come up with a unique creative solution that means you have to actually use your mind that means you can't just watch some video of mine and then just copy what I do or what I tell you to do and get the same result because the value that I offer is precisely that I'm thinking this [ __ ] through originally if I'm offering any value to anybody at all it's because there's some originality in my work now of course a lot of my work is not original there's ideas that I take from two thousand year old traditions you know but but there's something original and that's the only extent to which it's valuable to you to which I'm adding value to society because if all I did is I just parroted the words of the Buddha then why would you need to listen to me you just go listen to the Buddha you'd read books about the Buddha I would just be a middleman so you don't want to be a middleman you want to be an original provider of value you got to do something new you got to be an inventor really every good career professional who is good at what they do and has power and wealth the reason they have it is because they're offering something new because fundamentally what what life is doing it's evolving everything is evolving society's evolving culture is evolving the economy is evolving technologies evolving everything is always changing you can't just keep doing the [ __ ] that that worked the last generation it doesn't work so good anymore you got to be at the cutting edge the people that get paid the most or the ones that are at the cutting edge coming up with the new solutions because that's actually what what all of existence is doing in a sense you could think of it as God is actually paying you money for you to come up with new ideas that will push his entire creation forward you are actually a part of evolution you are not just some ape who evolved to be a human and now you're sitting here and just kind of twiddling your thumbs and doing stuff no like you are part of the whole evolutionary process what are you doing to push evolution forward if you're not doing anything to push evolution forward that means you're one of the wage slaves you're helping somebody else who has the ideas to push evolution forward that's why you're working for a boss if you are so leadership is important very very important so one of the things that's very important for you to achieve this goal of escaping wage slavery is to take your power back stop looking to me or to somebody else to lead you you got to become the leader my job in leading you is to help you to become a leader yourself such that then you don't need me and you can come up with unique and original ways to lead others that's what moves society forward what we need is more powerful conscious passionate leaders another important pillar of escaping wage slavery is becoming highly creative teaching yourself how to be creative and that's not a topic I can cover here that's a lot to say I will have an episode in the future about how to turn yourself into a very creative person in a practical way so that's not just airy-fairy talk there are specific things you can do to make yourself exceptionally creative within whatever field whether you want to be a musician a filmmaker a designer a programmer a writer whoever the best musicians writers and filmmakers are always the cutting-edge ones the ones that are doing something new and the reason they are able to do something new is because they're highly creative that's what creativity is creativity is a part of all of creation everything that's happening not just human technology not just human society but everything that's happening in all of existence is creativity manifesting itself and you are a part of this process and one of the greatest joys in life is to become consciously deliberately intent phillipe art of this process rather than the way that most sheep and most wage slaves go about life which is that they they completely give away all their creative power to somebody else they abdicate this power and they don't know the joy that comes from being a creator when you fully tap into your creative potential you feel like God you are your little mini god creating stuff whether it's music or art or film or computer code and the more creative you are the better you feel it's a super central pillar of just having a good enjoyable life is to be a creator you've been given this mine in this body and all these things that you can do with your hands with with with everything you've been given with all the stuff that's available in society all the information all the knowledge we have we have hundreds of thousands millions of books full of knowledge on all sorts of technical fields and arcane topics you can master any one of those and then contribute to that field and push it into new directions that's what the entire universe is doing is its pushing in new directions in an infinite number of dimensions and you are actually a part of that as a human being you're part of this divine process it's amazing it's actually a spiritual process creativity is a deeply spiritual pursuit but most people never take it to that level most people even if they're creative they still don't really take it to that level so I'm excited in the future to show you how to do that we'll definitely talk about that you also need to study entrepreneurship marketing and sales these are central to your ability to escape wage slavery there's lots of courses and resources available for you seminars and books and audio programs DVDs you can buy and watch these are all available for you if you would just have a clear sense of what you wanted out of life and you got to do a lot of research so to be very creative you're gonna have to find your niche in the world your niche with your career what's that unique role that you're gonna serve so it's not enough just to say that you're gonna be a musician or you're gonna be a great filmmaker or a great writer that's not enough that's a good start but not enough you got to find your niche how are you gonna distinguish yourself as a writer in what way what's gonna be your specialty and to do to figure that out you got to do a lot of research by doing lots of reading lots of studying lots of googling and so forth so that's the big picture now I know that's just a loose pigpig sure there's a lot of details that I'm leaving out here but I just want to orient you here we're just orienting you the details get filled in with time so don't don't worry that you don't have all the details here yet now you might wonder well leo but so are you saying that everybody can escape wage slavery using this model using this game plan and the answers definitely no in fact the vast majority cannot because we're in a pyramid scheme in a pyramid scheme the majority of the people need to be slaves but you can you as an individual if you execute this plan you can do it the problem is that most people listening to this even though they hear me talking about it they will never actually mobilize themselves to actualize what I'm saying and those are the sheep those are the ones who will end up the wage slaves they don't have to end up that way but statistically speaking the vast majority of people will not because they have to but simply because they will choose not to they won't be willing to go through the hard work of doing it because they're not visionary enough they don't see the value in this they're not committed enough to going through all the obstacles that they will face to pull this off this is not a one-year plan so something's gonna take you 5 10 15 years to actualize in your life but it's highly highly worth it now you might say Oh leo but but I'm worried about all the other people it's so depressing I mean I would be cool with this if only all the other people could rise with me but you're saying that the vast majority of people will always be slaves and that depresses me I want to help them yeah well tough titty welcome to life this is survival survival is a dog-eat-dog world and the fact is the most people just complacent most people are just sheep and they're happy being sheep so don't feel too bad for them focus on yourself by making yourself a powerful creator and allowing yourself to be a conscious creator not just a creator but a conscious creator you are actually putting yourself in the best position to help elevate mankind you're gonna help mankind by sitting there and being a slave with them whining and bitching and moaning about their slavery and your slavery along with them but actually being a leader showing people the way that's how you're gonna solve that problem so set a good example figure it out for yourself spend a good 15 years figuring out for yourself and then let's talk about how you feel about the rest of the world and also never forget that you should be grateful that you're not an actual slave right now I need an actual physical slave it's not that long ago that you would have been one if you were born just a few centuries prior if you were born in ancient were ancient Rome for example you would have probably been a slave 40 percent of all Roman citizens or Roman people or slaves 2,000 years ago so just the fact that you're not even a physical slave right now you should be thankful every single day for that there are still people today right now in certain African countries and elsewhere who are slaves so really the only reason you're a slave right now in if you're living in a decent country is because you're a slave of your own mind and that's a very powerful thing to realize because you can you can change your mind that's why the mind is great you can't really change your body your body's pretty fixed but your mind is flexible it's not that flexible it's still pretty rigid most people are stubborn and [ __ ] dogmatic as hell but uh but it's still possible to shift your mind takes work takes years sometimes but it's possible is escaping wage slavery right for everybody no you need to determine whether it's right for you you need to determine whether you are okay with being a sheep some people are some people are some people are happy working at the post office for 40 years just showing up punching the clock putting in their eight hours of work not thinking just kind of licking stamps or something and they're happy with that if that's you you know if you have that kind of temperament it's a temperamental thing like for me if I had to do that I would I would kill myself rather than work at the post office for 40 years looking stamps I would kill myself but maybe for you it's fine maybe you're happy with that okay if that's you you're fat you're happy with that then we got no problem here then just kind of accept that you're a sheep forget about this whole conversation forget about the whole pyramid and just enjoy your life as you can now you might wonder leo is it possible to enjoy life as a sheep I mean relatively speaking like you can if you're living in a decent country and you find a relatively decent job that pays you enough and whatever and you don't get fired and I mean you can you can kind of like coast by and it'll be sort of an average mediocre kind of life you won't be you know you know you won't work too hard you won't rack your mind too much and you'll probably have some ups have some downs but overall I'll just kind of be like a 5 5 out of 10 that's one like what your life will be if you're in a decent country and maybe you're fine with that but then there are those of us who are not fine with that and those of us who really want to be passionate about life those of us who really want to make the most of life those are us who are conscious that we were born here for a purpose and that we want to live life to the hilt and we want to become as conscious as possibly want to develop ourselves we want to push ourselves to the cutting edge we want to be those who are pushing evolution forward those who are transforming society those who are uplifting mankind we want something more and we don't want to be sheep and if you if you are like that and you consign yourself to being a sheep you're gonna be very miserable very miserable so watch out I recommend that you set a goal for yourself to escape wage slavery I think this is one of the most powerful goals you can set in your life especially if you're one of these people who isn't super spiritually oriented yet maybe you're just not at a high level of development where you're you're ready to go for enlightenment yet you're what ready to go for meditating your ass off and the sort of stuff maybe that stuff doesn't quite resonate with you yet one of the next best things you can do is set this goal because then it will create the foundation for you for everything else in your life this is one of the most important things that I've done for myself that has enabled conscious living and personal development in my life I did this about ten years ago I saw the power of this goal I worked pretty hard to to make it work I had to be very clever and resourceful and I was able to succeed in that and it's only thanks to that that actualized that exists there could not have been actualized Org if I had not first escaped wage slavery could not be possible and that's the great tragedy of being a wage slave is that there are millions of people out there right now who are where I was 10 years ago who had some ambition some higher inkling of a vision but they didn't know how to actualize it they weren't free to actualize it because they were a wage slave and they had no clear path forward no plan no idea that it was possible or even worthwhile to do and so there are millions of people out there right now who who can be doing amazing things in the world contributing amazing things to mankind analogous to maybe what actualize that org is by which I don't mean that you become impersonal Don the teacher that's not what I'm trying to get you to do I'm not trying to turn everyone here into a guru no what I mean is your analog to a cleanser order actually is always like my pet project it's my purpose you see so your pet project your purpose doesn't have to be about that it could be making films it could be about shooting porn it could be about I don't know inventing stuff for children it could be about reforming education system it could be about creating some new fuel energy technology that saves the environment or whatever right it has nothing to do with personal development but one thing that's really good is that when you escape wage slavery you have more time more freedom and more autonomy which means not only can you work on your own pet projects more and live up to your own values more not having to listen to others dictate to you what you should do or how you should live your life but you also now have free time to delve deeply into personal development self education spirituality and that's just something most people can't do most people can't self actualize because they simply spend ten hours a day at work they're dead tired by time to come home and that's it they have no more free time all their time is sucked up by this wage slavery and what can you do in that situation well I suggest you bite the bullet you assess the depth of your problem and you connect with something deeper inside yourself and you really commit to to solving this permanently once and for all it doesn't mean you solve it one day or one year but you start to hatch the plan do you sort of think about it sir to lay the groundwork sure to figure it out if you're young you're at the perfect time to think about this and if you're already older if you're in your 30s and 40s and 50s don't don't fret you can still work on this it'll be harder of course it's harder yes you might have pissed away your your youth doing stupid things but hey you got to do that you have to do that because hmm you didn't know any better but now you do now you have at least some kind of skeleton of a plan now you see the value of it where before in your 20s you couldn't see the value of it you were too myopic that's life we do stupid things because we're myopic and ignorant so if you're on board with this I recommend you set as a plan full financial independence or as a goal rather full financial independence I recommend that you align your full financial independence with your life purpose such that not only are you fully financially independent that's really not that big of an accomplishment an even better accomplishment is to be aligned with your life purpose offering massive value to mankind helping to elevate mankind is some specific way that's meaningful to you and I also recommend that you set as a goal for yourself that if you died the very next day thousands of people should be in pain and in mourning crying over the fact that they have been denied value from you like if I died tomorrow a lot of people would be upset now why would they be upset is it because they care about me really no nobody really gives a [ __ ] about me the only reason that people would cry over me is because I offer a lot of value to you so it's a selfish thing right it's purely selfish the only reason you like me or care about me is because I offer value to you that's it it's a very utilitarian thing and as soon as I stop offering value to me you stop caring about me that's pretty much how it works you have no real love for me so let's not kid ourselves here so so set that as a goal for yourself try to get to point in life where you're just offering so much value to people you're uplifting so many people so many people are reliant on your leadership to show them the way in whatever way you're doing it that they would be lost without you that's how you know that you're actually playing a really meaningful crucial role in society and of course if you ever get to that point then you don't have to worry very much about your finances you'll be taken care of if you're gonna execute this plan brace yourself for hard work there will be some hard work ahead some late nights brace yourself for loneliness brace yourself for some suffering brace yourself with you know feeling very confused and lost sometimes sometimes feeling totally stuck not knowing what the next step is you're gonna have to go through all that I got to push through all of that that's all par for the course the paradox was trying to escape wage slavery is of course that to escape slavery you're gonna have to work your ass off to do it but the upside is that you'll work your ass off for a few years but eventually we'll get to a certain point where you can you can ease up you'll have more free time and then you'll be able to do more of these other kinds of activities more time for hobbies more time for your family more time for personal development spirituality and so forth and so you really can have the best of both worlds that's one of the nice things about the pyramid structure is that it's precisely because there are many people in the world who are willing to be sheep and don't have any clear sense of direction don't want to be leaders they want to be led that you can rise up and become a leader for them so that's sort of the silver lining of the pyramid there's a deep wisdom to the pyramid don't think that this pyramid is some sort of evil Machiavellian constructure construction of the human mind no it's actually a deeply wise structure of all of nature and so you got to figure out where you need to be situated in that pyramid and to help you to to actualize all this I have the life purpose course the life purpose course is what I created it's an or 25 hour long course that talks in depth in a lot more depth than I talked about here about all the principles that I use to figure this out for myself it's definitely not going to solve all your problems it's not going to answer all of your questions but it will help you to to get the most important thing right which is to figure out your values to figure out your your clarity of intent and your purpose so that you know what you're really doing you get that very crystal clear and then you can really get to work so if you want to check that out you can find that at actualized org now you might wonder well Leo but aren't you just pitching a pyramid scheme here it sounds like you were criticizing pyramid schemes and and now all of this was just so that I buy your life purpose course no because see unlike typical sort of like business in a box solutions that you can buy out there some sort of get-rich-quick scheme the life purpose course is not a get-rich-quick quick scheme it's actually like a rich slow scheme very slow scheme it gives you principles so actually and the reason I made it that way principle based is precisely because I'm conscious of this sort of pyramid scheme concept not any one on one of those people that sells you on a scheme that only works for those people who are selling you the scheme these are timeless principles that will apply for hundreds of years to come for anybody who wants to develop a sense of direction in their life and build a really powerful creative career and become a creative genius this is what you need is to follow these principles now of course how many people will actually be able to follow these principles very few not because they can't not because it's a zero-sum game but simply because they're not motivated enough they don't take it seriously enough it takes enormous work to actualize your life purpose takes a lot of work just to get through the course but if you're serious about it I think it's really worth worth your time I get a lot of positive testimonials every week every month from people who have told me that the course has transformed their whole life giving them a whole new sense of meaning and purpose and direction in life that they they wouldn't have had otherwise and and I know the power of that because I feel it in my own life these days I take it actually for granted I sort of forget nowadays that I even created the course I sort of forget that I even went through the course myself in a sense to create it I sort of forget the fact that I'm even living my life purpose because it's sort of like just the norm for me now I can't even imagine a life otherwise but then I think back to how I used to live five ten years ago and man I remember the suffering and how bad it was um so yeah sometimes like I just got to remind myself sometimes got to remind myself of how conscious I'd be cover the last five years it's crazy because the ego see the ego never is satisfied with anything so it's just always chasing after more and more and more even with consciousness you become conscious even you be able enlightened you're gonna take it all completely for granted it's just gonna become your new norm so we always have to kind of stay vigilant against that and and appreciate the things we have gratitude is a very important component of success and of personal development precisely because we grow so much we grow so fast that we we take it for granted unless we are proactively grateful for the things we got alright that's it I'm out of here please remember to click that like button for me and come check out actualize that org that's where your final life purpose course the book list the blog the forum where you can go and discuss this stuff and the last thing I'll tell you is that it's not really enough to be enlightened there's more to life than just enlightenment yes enlightenment is great spirituality is great but also very practically speaking I think a very important component or pillar of living the good life is yes you want to become hyper [ __ ] conscious and you want to become enlightened but you also want to engineer a conscious way of making a living I think that that's a component that a lot of spiritual teachers miss they just don't talk about it but I think it's a really important component because half of your waking life will be spent on work whether you like it or not even if you're enlightened you could be enlightened but you could be working for you know some gun manufacturer in some Factory and maybe you're cool with that but I would suggest you would be even more happy if you were enlightened and that also you had designed for yourself some sort of conscious way of making a conscious living and contributing to the elevation of mankind in whatever way is meaningful to you in whatever way you're passionate about and that's why life purpose is still an important topic of discussion even if you have figured out non-duality and that's why actualize that org is not just talking about non duality but it's talking about other things like life purpose business topics and creativity how to be creative and many other topics because what I'm interested altum Utley is I'm interested in how do I create an amazing life how do I get the most out of my life yes a huge important component of that is Awakening but there are other components that also need to be studied and seriously researched and discussed there are political facets there are relationships there there's health and fitness there's nutrition there's I mean there's life purpose there's career there's so much so in the future we're not just gonna be talking about enlightenment we're also gonna be talking about all these other topics and when we all bring it all together and that's one of the unique things I think about actualize that org is that we do take this sort of holistic approach to creating a good life which I don't see that many people out there doing most people are siloed teaching one very narrow specific thing about something they might tell you how to get your relationship right they might tell you how to get enlightened or something like that along those lines how to start a business but they don't bring it all together and show you how all the pieces can fit together that's quite rare and so that's one of my missions with actualize that organs to is to show you how all the pieces fit together so don't get too narrow-minded about these topics sometimes I hear people saying oh Leo what's the point of talking about this so I'll just mental masturbation it's all just a distraction from enlightenment no there's a lot of stuff that you need in your life and actualize that org is sort like a university we're trying to cover lots of topics we're not like a narrow trade school it's not an enlightenment trade school if you want that go join us a temple and all they talk about is enlightenment of course most of them have very unrounded lives and they're still part of an pyramid in that Zen temple the only reason that Sun Temple survived is because they have like some donors that they milk every single month to pay for them and they have a hierarchy structure they got the amongst the bottom who are cleaning toilets with with toothbrushes every day all right so uh you probably don't want to be one of those toilet cleaning monks or maybe you do I don't know figure it out for yourself you